Industrial policies for latecomers in developing countries: a developmental state approach


Panel presentation at the 10th International Conference on Appropriate Technology, 22-25 November 2022, Khartoum

Presented by:
Gussai H. Sheikheldin, PhD; Research Fellow with STIPRO (Science, Technology and Innovation Policy Research Organization), Tanzania; and former Director of IRCC (Industrial Research and Consultancy Centre), Sudan (2020 – 2021)


How old is industrial policy

In 1791, Alexander Hamilton, American Secretary of Treasury, submitted to Congress his report on industry in the United States, in which he argued that the US with its industrially backward economy (which was the case back then compared to Europe) needed to protect and support its industries “in their infancy” until they reached a sufficient level of strength to compete with Europe’s manufactures.More

On the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam

The Tahrir Institute for Middle East Policy (TIMEP) and Tree Media have teamed up to follow events in the Middle East (and North Africa) region as told by stakeholders and leaders from the region. Their first topic concerns water, access to water and the prevention of a potential water conflict over the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD). A series of video interviews were conducted to explore the political and social background of the dam, expert opinions on what is at stake for each of the three countries involved (Egypt, Sudan, and Ethiopia), the current standing of the dam, and what should be done to alleviate tensions.

Beyond the Kenya Finance Bill 2024

“The movement was much bigger than just the 2024 Finance Bill [Kenya]. Once the bill is passed in whatever form it’s passed in, the movement will continue, and importantly, not be limited to what’s happening in the halls of Parliament. The movement was about building a better life for Kenyans in Kenya…. The Sudanese speakers of our last teach-in episode showed us the many ways that these small, community-based voluntary actions (many of which don’t look “revolutionary” in themselves) were indeed revolution.More

Building Science Systems in Africa

Edited by:
Rebecca Hanlin, Aschalew Tigabu, Gussai Sheikheldin. 

Publishers: Nairobi: African Centre for Technology Studies (ACTS) Press; Dar es Salaam: Mkuki na Nyota Publishers @2021

ISBN 978-9966-08-198-3

Building Science Systems in Africa: Conceptual foundations and empirical considerations.

In recent years a significant amount of attention has been placed on the role of science, technology and innovation for Africa’s social and economic transformation. This book builds on the efforts made in this area and argues that more needs to be done to strengthen African Science Systems.… More

Skills for Innovation – AfricaLics Webinar Series

Skills for innovation: Highly skilled African migrants and the challenges of ‘brain drain’ – part of AfricaLics Webinar Series

Based on an upcoming book chapter, this webinar presented a comprehensive review of the challenges and opportunities resting on the role of highly skilled African migrants in African Science, Technology & Innovation (STI) systems. Two speakers, Dr. Gussai Sheikheldin and Dr. Agnes Lutomiah deliberated on this topic with a view to identifying lessons that innovation scholars can draw on to inform the future of I & D studies research in the continent.… More

Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) Policy Training for Africa

About this handbook

This is the first and basic training module on science, technology and innovation (STI) policy for Africa to be produced by the ACTS Consortium/STIPRO as part of the outputs for their work on theme III of the Science Granting Councils’ Initiative (SGCI). We therefore find it fruitful – by way of background information – to inform on three major issues, namely the understanding of the critical importance of innovation in Africa’s development by the Africa’s governments; why is policy important; and why this specific module on reconciling theory, practice and policies.… More

Engineering education, development and growth in Africa

Sheikheldin, Gussai and Nyichomba, Bavo. 2019. ‘Engineering education, development and growth in Africa.’ Scientific African, Vol. 6.

Africa is trying to overcome the challenge of having significant shortage of engineering skills. Yet, paradoxically, many engineering graduates find it difficult to land employment in engineering fields. Although it may sound confusing at first, that demand for engineers and unemployment of engineers happen simultaneously, a valid explanation is not only about the number of engineers in the job market, but the number of engineers with matching skills for the jobs awaiting them.… More